
From Big Business to a Liberation Economy

10. 31. 2023

Explore how corporate power intersects with racial justice, the consequences of unchecked monopoly power, and the future of a Liberation Economy.

Liberation in a Generation’s webinar, “From Big Business to a Liberation Economy: A Racial Justice Agenda to Rein in Monopoly Power,” explores how corporate power intersects with racial justice, the consequences of unchecked monopoly power, and the future of a Liberation Economy. Guest speakers include Gabrielle Rejouis of Athena Coalition, Brandi Collins-Dexter of Harvard Kennedy’s School, Dionne Sims of Black Garnet Books, and Emanuel Nieves of Liberation In A Generation. This webinar revolves around understanding the stakes and consequences of monopoly power while centering the communities of color who bear its heaviest burdens, and providing thought-provoking policy solutions.

For more resources on curbing corporate power, you can also check out the following:

From the Panelists:
From Liberation in a Generation:
From Economic Security Project: