Board of Directors

Natalie Foster

President and Founder

Chris Hughes

Board Chair and Founder

Aisha Nyandoro

Board Member

Dorian Warren


Felicia Wong

Board Treasurer


Taylor Jo Isenberg

Executive Director

Sara Abdel Rahim

Vice President of Development

Leydy Abreu

Vice President of Finance and Operations

Andrea Aguilar

Digital Strategist

Anna Aurilio

Senior Director of Campaigns

Chrissy Blitz

Vice President of Communications and External Affairs

Adriane Brown

Senior Communications Director

Michael Bryer

Development Operations Associate

Becky Chao

Research Director, Build the Field

Michael Conti

Project Manager

Cara Rose DeFabio

Senior Director of Narrative Strategy

Andrea Diaz

Executive and Operations Associate

Mary Durden

Associate Director, Build the Field

Gabe Gonzalez

Senior Director of State Campaigns

Hannah Gregor

Events Manager

Tesbih Habbal

Communications Strategist

Shafeka Hashash

Director of Cash Initiatives

Mana Kharrazi

Director of State Cash Campaigns

Mike Konczal

Senior Director of Policy and Research

Marta Kuersten Wolaver

Director of Development

Mónica V. Lazo

Southern California Program Director

Erion Benjamin Malasi

Illinois Policy and Advocacy Director

Mona Masri

California Director of Strategic Initiatives

Lynnette Miranda

Chief of Staff

Layla Oghabian

Legislative Advocate

Harish I. Patel

Vice President of Partnerships

Jazmin Phillips

Senior Manager of Accounting

Adam Ruben

Vice President of Campaigns and Political Strategy

Sarah Saheb

Director of Economic Security Illinois

Zoe Schlittenhardt

Senior Manager of Human Resources and Talent Operations

Jenna Severson

Deputy Communications Director

Chloe Stryker

Events Director

Kelli Smith

Senior Director of Campaigns Research

Teri Olle

Director of Economic Security California

Suz Warshell

Associate Director of Operations and Finance


Mia Birdsong

Senior Fellow

Andrew Stern

Senior Fellow

Guaranteed Income Community of Practice Narrative Grants

Center for Employment Opportunities

Returning Strong: A Virtual Rally for Reentry Cash Assistance


Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) is a social enterprise nonprofit and the nation’s largest reentry employment provider. CEO believes that everyone, regardless of their past, deserves the chance to shape a stronger future for themselves, their family, and their communities.

Annually, CEO helps more than 8,000 justice-impacted people regain the skills and confidence needed for successful transitions to prosperous and productive lives.

Over the grant period CEO will educate the public about the positive impact of cash assistance during reentry to combat fear-based narratives around reentry and public safety, and to inspire innovative, evidence-based approaches. CEO will host a large-scale event to increase visibility of the issue and elevate guaranteed income as an untapped potential solution, and produce compelling, in-depth narratives to highlight returning individuals who demonstrate the crucial support of guaranteed income through their own reentry journeys.