In the Media
MS. – Putting Poor Black Mothers Front and Center
04. 14. 2021
A groundbreaking series in Ms., Front and Center offers first-person accounts of Black women living in extreme poverty.

This series of interviews with Magnolia Mother’s Trust recipients appears in full in Ms.
“Front and Center will highlight the results for a new group of moms, allowing readers to hear directly from the women at the heart of our country’s racial, gender and economic issues. The intention is to lift up voices that are too often neglected in our public discourse, and to fundamentally shift narratives around poverty that have been weaponized against Black women for far too long. These false narratives have been used to consistently push the bar down on support systems for everyone. By centering and improving the situation for Black women, those hit with the double bind of racism and sexism, we are thereby raising the floor for us all.”