Press Release
Rep. Watson Coleman Leads Introduction of Guaranteed Income Pilot Program
09. 27. 2023
The Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Act of 2023 Would Setup Three-year Program to Provide a Monthly Income to Test Group and Study Impacts

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Today, Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12), announced the reintroduction of the Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Act, legislation that would establish a nationwide pilot program to test the viability of a federally funded income support program that keeps more American families from experiencing permanent financial fallout and lasting poverty from a single unexpected crisis.
“People feel the stress and unease of financial insecurity and we know that more can be done to reduce that stress. During the pandemic, we saw the power of direct cash payments in improving the well-being of families, yet we failed to heed that lesson and, as a result, we see more and more parents having to make hard choices between food and rent,” said Natalie Foster, President and Co-Founder of Economic Security Project. “Today, we have over 100 guaranteed income programs in the United States that can prove the effectiveness of direct cash payments through both empirical research as well as through the leadership of guaranteed income participants. The guaranteed income can be seen in people’s lives and in local politics. From Jackson to Stockton and now to DC, the guaranteed income movement is growing and will be heard.”