Sameera Fazili
Former Deputy Director of the National Economic Council of the United States
Presented by Economic Security Project in Atlanta, GA. December 6-7, 2023
At this convening, we gathered over two days with 178 campaigners, advocates, policy experts and organizers from 35 states who came together to share how we can win big when we campaign big. After two days together we left having connected with colleagues across the country, refueled with beautiful imagery and stories and strategies and tactics that have worked.
In Atlanta we felt the connections and a-ha moments of linking tax policy with the human heart, the laying down of bricks to create the path that connects tax policy and Guaranteed Income and vice-versa. We discussed the next frontiers in our fight for economic justice through cash and how to implement cash policies that give access to those who need them the most. It was a great two days!
Wed 12/6
A Georgia Story
Hope Wollensack, Georgia Resilience & Opportunity Fund
A Year to be Celebrated
Adam Ruben, Economic Security Project
Stories and Strategies Behind Winning in States
Moderator: Adam Ruben, Economic Security Project Panelists: JaNaé Bates: Minnesota ISAIAH, Liza Schwartzwald: NY Immigration Coalition, Will White: Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice
The Bridge between Guaranteed Income and Tax Credits
Harish I. Patel: Economic Security Project
Leveraging Tax Credits to Win on Guaranteed Income
Moderator: Harish I. Patel: Economic Security Project Panelists: Erica Williams: DC Fiscal Policy Institute, Ann Danforth: Maine Equal Justice, Alejandro Queral: Oregon Center for Public Policy
The Time is Now!
Sameera Fazili: Former Deputy Director of the National Economic Council at the White House
The Crystal Ball: 2024 and Congress
Anna Aurilio: Economic Security Project
Running a Guaranteed Income Bill
Facilitator: Shafeka Hashash: Economic Security Project Discussion Leaders: Teri Olle: Economic Security Project, Melody Webb: Mother’s Outreach Network, Steph Silkowski: NY Bridge Project
Charting a Path from Tax Credits to Guaranteed Income
Facilitator: Mona Masri, Economic Security Project Erica Williams: DC Fiscal Policy Institute, Tyler Mac Innis: Oregon Center for Public Policy, Marcy Bowers: Washington Statewide Poverty Action Network
Effective Cash Messaging
Facilitator: Adam Ruben, Economic Security Project Chrissy Blitz and Jenna Severson: Economic Security Project, Hannah Sawyer: Center on Budget Policies and Priorities
Thu 12/7
Automatic Benefits for Children: A Kingian Hope for Economic Justice
Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson, Children’s Defense Fund
Going Public with Tax Credit Campaigns
Moderator: Katrina Gamble, Economic Security Project Rebecca Firestone: Open Sky Policy Institute, Ben Chin: Maine People’s Alliance Deputy Director, Nedia Morsy: Make The Road Organizing Director, Lonia Muckle: CASH Campaign of Maryland
The Guarantee
Natalie Foster, Economic Security Project
Creating a 2024 campaign plan
Facilitator: Rebecca Bailin, Economic Security Project Ann Danforth: Maine Equal Justice, Emily Vyhnanek: Washington State Budget and Policy Center, Amber Wallin, New Mexico State Revenue Alliance
Getting Earned Media on Tax Credits
Facilitator: Jenna Severson, Economic Security Project JaNaé Bates: Minnesota ISAIAH, Charlotte Bruce: Massachusetts Children’s Health Watch, Nora Flaherty-Stanford: Maine People’s Alliance
Policy innovations to center inclusion and access to tax credits
Facilitator: Kelli Smith, Economic Security Project Misha Werschkul: Washington State Budget and Policy Center, Phineas Baxandall: Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center, Julie Lowell: Public Assets Institute, Nicole Rodriguez: New Jersey Policy Perspective
Inside Game and Outside Game- play in both!
Facilitator: Stephanie Bonin, Economic Security Project State Senator Omar Aquino, Sarah Austin: Maine Center for Economic Policy, Krystal Peters: Workers Center for Racial Justice
We won, now what happens?
Facilitator: Mónica V. Lazo, Economic Security Project Gabriel Zucker: Code for America, Ancel Tejada: Massachusetts Associations for Community Action, Cody Van Felden: John Burton Advocates for Youth
Former Deputy Director of the National Economic Council of the United States
President and co-founder of the Economic Security Project
Children’s Defense Fund and CDF Action Council President and CEO
Executive Director, Georgia Resilience & Opportunity Fund