Federal CTC and EITC
Child Tax Credit helps all families succeed
06. 14. 2021
Messaging test of Child Tax Credit eligible parents
The “all families succeed” messaging was the most popular, causing a significant net gain in support among respondents.
After exposure to a negative message, support from eligible parents drops from levels observed directly after parents saw messages in support for extending the expanded Child Tax Credit. The “all families succeed” messaging was also the most robust, diminishing drops in support after respondents were exposed to persuasive opposition talking points.
- This message works because it’s anchored to a clear description of the policy
- Speaks to the broad benefits of the policy for the middle class, which is how the preponderance of voters self-identify
- Includes language that appeals to cross-pressured voters, e.g., tax cuts and Main Street businesses
- Message is optimistic and forward-looking
In total, the ‘all families succeed’ message increases support by 11 points, while ‘race class narrative’ and ‘basic needs’ see drops in support by margins of two points and four points, respectively.