Press Release

Champions for Guaranteed Income Celebrate the Announcement of the 100th Guaranteed Income Pilot Program in Five Years

09. 23. 2022

From Stockton to Jackson, Guaranteed Income Pilot Demonstrations Have Been Announced in 30 States, Plus DC, and Are Focused on Helping 38,000 People

Atlanta, Georgia – September 21st, 2022 – Today, the Economic Security Project, in collaboration with Mayors for Guaranteed Income and Guaranteed Income Community of Practice, is excited to announce that the 100th guaranteed income pilot over the past five years was announced this month in the United States. Over the past five years, the Economic Security Project has galvanized resources, invested in research and supported networking for the 100 guaranteed income pilots across 30 states, which will successfully aid more than 38,000 people struggling to navigate harsh economic conditions. 

The 100 guaranteed income pilots come after five years of diligent work by researchers, policymakers and advocates to reshape the narrative around how cash relief can be leveraged in people’s day to day lives to help address economic hardship across the country. The pilot programs can be traced back to late 2018 and early 2019 when Magnolia Mother’s Trust and Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration were launched, two guaranteed income pilots that were part of a concerted effort to invest in cash support programs backed by empirical data. While these pilots are being built, policy is also being passed at the state and federal level, including the Child Tax Credit. Below are some quotes from the leaders who have helped strengthen the movement. 

Natalie Foster, Co-chair and Co-Founder of the Economic Security Project said, “Guaranteed income programs are revolutionizing how we support families and our communities. The data is growing increasingly clear: Direct cash benefits work. Community leaders, elected officials, and all levels of civil society are committed to building and learning from these guaranteed income demonstrations. And we have data from the stimulus checks and Child Tax Credit checks that show the power of cash to stabilize families. As a result, cash-based programs are becoming reality in state houses across the country, providing stability to household budgets. With 100 pilots announced across the country over the past five years, guaranteed income is here to stay.”

Aisha Nyandoro, Co-Chair of Guaranteed Income Communities of Practice and architect of the Magnolia Mother’s Trust stated: “I am thrilled that guaranteed income is now a regular topic of conversation in many households across this country. The immense growth and success in the work being conducted by the plethora of cash advocates is a testament of demonstrates what is possible when you center the voices and expressed needs of people in the design and implementation of solutions”.

“Roughly five years ago I saw how the people of Stockton were struggling to make ends meet and became the first mayor to enact a guaranteed income pilot,” said Mayors for a Guaranteed Income Founder and Chair and former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs. “I take great pride in seeing how many others have come together since then to fuel the guaranteed income movement and bring attention to the importance of building innovative solutions to create an economy that works for all. Together, we can end poverty in our generation.” 

Many of the people who helped set-up the 100 guaranteed income pilots across the country are also gathering in Atlanta, Georgia on September 28th for Guaranteed Income Now, a conference that will bring together researchers, elected officials, guaranteed income recipients and advocates from across the country to strategize about how to continue the growing momentum. If you’re interested in attending the event, receiving a link to our livestream, or coordinating an interview with any speakers, please contact us at [email protected] for more information. You can also learn more about the 100 Guaranteed Income Pilots and watch the launch video here.

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