Federal CTC and EITC
Public Opinion on the Child Tax Credit
09. 12. 2022
Voters favor the Child Tax Credit by a wide margin. About half strongly favor it.

- Only 28% of voters have any children under the age of 18 living at home with them, but voters do not need to personally benefit from the Child Tax Credit to favor it.
- By wide margins, voters favor the Child Tax Credit – 75% favor to 19% oppose. Over half (52%) strongly favor it.
- Support for the Child Tax Credit crosses party lines – 86% of Democrats, 77% of Independents, and 64% of Republicans favor the Child Tax Credit.
- Two-thirds (65%) of voters find it convincing that over 100 economists including former Secretaries of the Treasury and Labor say expanding the Child Tax Credit will help working- and middle-class families with rising costs.
- Voters agree by a nearly six to one margin (80% agree to 14% disagree) that Congress shouldn’t pass any more tax breaks for big corporations unless there’s support for families, too.
- Messaging that rebuts the need for either a work requirement or a minimum income requirement resonates with voters. The top messages invoke:
- The hundreds of tax credits for corporations and billionaires compared to one tax credit for families with children
- The shared value that all children deserve opportunity no matter their class or zip code
- Denying the Child Tax Credit only punishes children