
We help turn bold ideas into reality to improve the lives of all Americans.

What We Do

Economic Security Project is Founded

Over 100 entrepreneurs, activists, researchers, and philanthropists signed on to promote direct cash payments, empowering Americans to live and work to their full potential.

Mayor Tubbs and ESP Launch Stockton Demonstration

At CASHCon, an Economic Security Project event, Mayor Michael Tubbs unveiled the first ESP-backed guaranteed income pilot: a mayor-led program in Stockton, CA.

Historic Federal Guaranteed Income Bills Introduced

Rep. Rashida Tlaib introduced the BOOST Act and then-Sen. Kamala Harris proposed the LIFT Act, reviving ESP’s push to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit—the first serious congressional attention to guaranteed income since 1969.

Longest-Running Guaranteed Income Program Begins

In December, the Magnolia Mother’s Trust, led by Aisha Nyandoro, distributed $1,000 monthly payments to 20 Black mothers in Jackson, MS. The program expanded annually and continues today. Stockton’s pilot followed in February 2019.

ESP Co-Founder Chris Hughes Calls for Breaking Up Facebook

Hughes’ public stance against monopolies throughout the economy led to the formation of the $10 million Antimonopoly Fund, moving the issue of runaway corporate power “from the margins to the mainstream.”

Child Tax Credit Expansion Creates “Guaranteed Income for Kids.”

Economic Security Project works with the Biden Administration to secure an expanded Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan, providing unprecedented cash payments for children.

Six States And District Of Columbia Expand Cash Tax Credit Programs.

ESP successfully lobbied six states and D.C. to broaden tax credits, eliminating income barriers and increasing cash for families, young adults, seniors, and immigrants.

Over 100 Guaranteed Income Pilots Launched Nationwide

A network of leaders, funders, and officials, backed by ESP and partners like Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, rolled out over 100 local guaranteed income demonstrations.

State Tax Credit Wins Surge

Thirty-six states considered cash-boosting tax credits; 18 passed them. States with Child Tax Credits doubled in two years, thanks to ESP’s advocacy.

ESP Secures IRS Direct File in 25 States

ESP championed IRS Direct File, a free, simplified public option for tax filing. After a 2024 pilot, it expanded to 25 states by 2025, empowering 32 million taxpayers with pre-populated data and saving billions in fees and time.